Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Weekly pprompts,

Bluebell Books Twitter Club!

Wordle 327  



 Poetry & Story Inn by Colin Yaccarino at Loyola Pagewell

 Image result for world war ii museum

THIS WEEK'S WORDS come from "November for Beginners" by Rita Dove: easy, softening, give, ache, smell, gloomy, promise, spring, cargo, already, act, fool


Whirligig 139 

so, rita dove agrees to promote himself, too many,
but decides to be easy by giving Stein mart employees some cargo experiences,
acting sweetly, the  skky softens with spring breeze,
yet to be more creative,
the back of seth wu goes harden inch by inch,
he almost screams,
april fool behind,
glooming smell promised to be forgotten,
a simple puzzle,
world world warr II heros,
Robert Fennell,  James Fahey, Nicole Sheppard, Amy Collins,
stolen wishes still ring ashes of coal burnt murmur
no stream can trim a good prize for condierations
music stands near Kim Jones, Evan Tonsing, Meredith Blecha, Gayla Foster
ameliawood  and ericnicklow simply sit,
remote controlling some distant sky
with light blue facebook pages



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