Monday, April 29, 2019

poets rally week 90, short story slam week 113

Image result for fox news   Kimberly Gullfoyle, fox news co-host

Image result for fox news       Suzanne Scott

Image result for fox news         Abby Huntsman, she is else where casting fresh news

Image result for abc news     Viginia Pokies, she oftens thinks of Diane Sawyer

Image result for abc news            Laura Ingraham, 
Image result for abc news             James Comey,

Image result for abc news   motel six

news, truth, flash light
poems, oath, green spot
lovely fame grow legs
a fire begins with a spark

Thursday, April 25, 2019

humor week 18, short story slam week 113

Image result for happy   birthday gifts

melania trump, may 14,
john green , may 22,
tiffany trump, may 27,
william konoell, may 25,
richard huang, may 22,
thomas pickens, may 22,
richard allen, may 9,
james park, may 2,
amanda zhang, may 17,
eric wood, may 24,
david felkman, may 4