Wednesday, October 2, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 54, 55

uneasy decision
none of us agree to quit
almost all of the crowd enjoy poetry

lotus pond from chengdong

Friday, September 27, 2019

short story slam week 126, humor week 23, 24

Image result for happy 3 year old birthday  

Image result for happy 3 year old birthday  

Image result for happy 3 year old birthday   princess Leonore is three today

Image result for happy 3 year old birthday    yikong song, he is three, cheers!

Image result for happy 3 year old birthday     do brush your teeth, wash your hands, and visit  McDonalds

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 53

some voice echoes
we hear demand
if i have forgotten about morton schapiro
I do have the reason remembering
a lady
a gentleman
we all run toward a capital city
new york, berlin, they feel good

Friday, August 16, 2019

short story slam week 123, 122

a poetry is born in restless mood
a baby cries
a milk bottle is brought
coo, woo, moo
parents become petting zoos

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 52, sweet thoughts on young and old people

Image result for humor and poetry

Image result for humor and poetry

Image result for humor and poetry

Image result for humor and poetry  Ben  Lerner

Image result for humor and poetry

red and blue
we choose something in between
love and hate
we could not trace

a story is on
the court house is crowed
a note is written
the mother seek advice

Saturday, July 27, 2019

short story slam week 121

a long horn
often fall short in a moment of confusion
a texas cowboy
who intends to visit korea and raise fame

poets rally week 90, short story slam week 112, 122, poetry and story inn fridays week 42, 50

Image result for nutrition 2019 

Image result for nutrition 2019 

Image result for nutrition 2019 

Image result for nutrition 2019

we are talking about brown university
which they often thinks of people as darked souls
maybe because they enjoy harry potter
emma watson, malia obama, james david henneberry,
we do admire people's different voice

poetry is one thing
nutrition says differently
a nutshell is a way to measure
there is no limit for people's wisdom

Monday, June 3, 2019

poets rallyy speical week 91, short story slam week 116

Image result for jingle poetry @washington state   a foot sport, brave and hard, yet award winning

Image result for jingle poetry @washington state  kira salak

Image result for jingle poetry @washington state  liz cheney

Thursday, May 2, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 44, 43, jingle poetry @olive garden world peace in may year 8, pppweek 49

world peace in may by jp at olive garden, year 8, 2012 ---> 2019,  

 Image result for peace quotation in melania trump
donald trump jr., ivanka trump, eric trump, donald trump , they support world peace

poetry and story inn fridays week 44, may 2, 2019 --- may 22, 2019 

 Related image 

Children's books,
they sing innocent songs

p. d. eastman
Dr. Seuss

Donald Trump
Jingle Yan

it seems like amelia wilson choose to back up lots of writing
she often gets confused about which one fits?

Monday, April 29, 2019

poets rally week 90, short story slam week 113

Image result for fox news   Kimberly Gullfoyle, fox news co-host

Image result for fox news       Suzanne Scott

Image result for fox news         Abby Huntsman, she is else where casting fresh news

Image result for abc news     Viginia Pokies, she oftens thinks of Diane Sawyer

Image result for abc news            Laura Ingraham, 
Image result for abc news             James Comey,

Image result for abc news   motel six

news, truth, flash light
poems, oath, green spot
lovely fame grow legs
a fire begins with a spark

Thursday, April 25, 2019

humor week 18, short story slam week 113

Image result for happy   birthday gifts

melania trump, may 14,
john green , may 22,
tiffany trump, may 27,
william konoell, may 25,
richard huang, may 22,
thomas pickens, may 22,
richard allen, may 9,
james park, may 2,
amanda zhang, may 17,
eric wood, may 24,
david felkman, may 4

Thursday, March 7, 2019

poetry and story inn fridays week 40, short story slam week 110

Image result for spring break in march 

Image result for spring break in march

a wordle does magic
it traces a circle of decisions
i do jumped out for a change
I run wild in San Diego zoo
making some decisions on flying kites
a wonder could fly far
a story can be fixed in invisible scope

Saturday, January 12, 2019

poets rally week 89, poetry picnic week 48

Image result for fried meatballs

Image result for green squash 

Image result for green squash 

Tiffany  Nelcson
Sam Quinones
Amilcar Arroyo
Ben Madina

Ron Felton
Kim Woodrosky
Ed Harry
Nikki Haley

Donald Trump
Michael Pence
George Bush
Michael Cohen

people line up
doing some math problem solving
we walk on tight ropes
tip toe to reach a good foothole