Wednesday, September 19, 2018

short story slam week 98

July morning,
Crispy sunshine cooks the roof,
daydreams halt,
She gets out of her room,
Her eyes glitter with fire,
Her nightgown has an iris sash,
She waters the lawn
in front of the house,
Bitterish thoughts run through the hose
and flood the limitless earth
like orchards of rain
washing the muddy plain,
She lets the time sing,
Not worrying about the death of spring.

Monday, September 10, 2018

short story slam week 97, poetry and story inn fridays week 28

great places
janet and ann
all behave like princess

random search
amanda and jane
matthew and rachel go up along with alissa

blind valley
poetry rejects story ditches
a dove flies high to telescope some hidden holes